catch me if you can…

So it’s two days til D-Day. My first 10km race of the year.

I haven’t run in two days just so I can save up energy.

And I’m buzzing.


This running and competing in races thing sure is addictive.

It’s crazy to imagine that I only did my first running race last year.

I was 23kg heavier and did the bridge to brisbane in 61 minutes.

This year, I’m much lighter, healthier,  fitter and a damn sight happier.

So to up the ante I’m planning on tackling two 10km races, one 14km race and a 5km in 2012.

Achievable? yes.

Daunting? hell yes.

With the 5km one now under the belt, the next task ahead is the sunshine coast marathon 10km race.

Who said running and being GF didn’t mix?

There’s quite a bit out there that says GF runners can often struggle with poor energy due to the lack of gluten friendly carbs available, but this article has a few tips/insights into foods to eat prior to race day. Thought I would share!

Also for any GI or Coeliac marathon runners out there, who else but Elisabeth Hasselbeck could inspire you to keep at it? Great piece on Runners World on what works for her.

Another great blog I’ve come across is Gluten Free traveller. It is awesome and has some great tips on GI/Coeliac prep for running.

Bring on the weekend and let the running begin.

With a singlet like the one above how can this GF girl not do well? 😛
